At my day job, my boss keeps a delightful set of 2 vintage folding chairs. They have an adorable organic hand-carved look (sorry, no picture) and bright orange vinyl cushions. Anyway, I've deco-crushed on them for a while.
So, when my fiance and I were walking to his car after dinner one night on the Hill, and I saw four of these beauties on the curb.... heart skipped a beat and I knew they would have to be mine despite his two door car.
Needless to say, we made it work, and I put rehabbing these chairs to the top of my DIY project list.
First, I got my supplies together:
- Plastic baggie
- "Screwdriver" (aka an old knife because I couldn't find ours)
- Sandpaper
- 3 cans white primer spraypaint
- 4 cans semi-gloss white spraypaint
For the first step of the rehab, I removed the seat covers with my "screwdriver."
Then I placed all the parts into my plastic baggie for safekeeping.
Next, I sanded the heck out of the chairs to get their old finish off.
After that, I primed...
...and primed.
Then, you guessed it, I painted, painted...
and then went back to spray paint some more!
Part II in two weeks when I recover the old vinyl with some hip, but "vintage-y" new fabric from eBay. What do you think? Fabric Suggestions? Leave your comments below!